Grace or the Law?

6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. (Deuteronomy 6:6 - 7)


The modern christian lives with the idea that there are stark differences between the beliefs that they have and that of the Jewish people. While the obvious one of the belief in Jesus (or Yeshua, in the aramaic language that He spoke during His lifetime) being the prophesied Messiah goes without saying, there is another one that is often said. “They live under the law, and Jesus delivered humanity from the law and all sin to give us faith and grace.”Sayings of that genre are blanket statements that are generally rarely, if ever, scrutinized. What is Law? What is Grace? Did Jesus truly abolish the law? What should a modern christian adhere to? 

As to what is regarded as “the Law”, it is reference to a major part of the Old Testament that spans from the book of Genesis all the way to the Prophetic Books. GOD gives these laws and instructions to Moses, who then transmits the Torah to the people of Israël in an inheritance (Deuteronomy 33:04). These laws are specific in nature, detailing how one is to serve Him, what they should or should not eat as well as how to dress amongst other things. The Jewish people lived under the Law for many years, oftentimes having to suffer terrible consequences whenever they disobeyed GOD’s commands. Yeshua speaks of this on numerous occasions; the most notable example would be when He is asked the most important commandment (Matthew 22:36 - 40).


Theology has made it clear that humanity has now arrived in an Age of Grace, one in which the law is no longer in effect, because those who follow Christ “do not live under the law, but under grace” (Romans 6:5). The Law was fulfilled through Yeshua at the cross (Matthew 5:17) and all that is needed for salvation is to believe in the Lord (Ephesians 2:8 - 9) as grace and truth came through Him (John 1:17). This period of grace began with the arrival of the Holy Spirit during the feast of Pentecost (Acts 2) and continues onto today. 

However, the elimination of GOD’s Law brings a few major problems that destroy modern doctrine and thought. First of all, for GOD to eliminate His law would inherently be Him changing His mind, which goes against Hebrews 13:8, which states that “He is the same yesterday, today and forever”. Secondly, the elimination of the law would entail that sin is no longer real, as there is nothing that defines what is and what is not. Thirdly but not lastly, many of the core values of the Church fall to pieces, as any topic of important topics such as love are all based on the holy laws that GOD gave His people (Romans 13:8 - 10). Without the law, there is no conversation on convtroversial topics homosexuality, nor simple topics such as blessings.

Therefore, the Age of Grace is not false doctrine, but the abolishment of the law through Yeshua is.

Humanity is supposed to follow GOD’s law, but this time with the grace knowing we are able to live it fully and completely. We are not absolved of following His feasts, as they are holy convocations - the difference is that the sacrifice that is to be given is Yeshua himself, who died as the lamb for us.

The Age of Grace, however, still stands; our comprehension as to what it is needs to be rectified. To explain grace through judicial and biblical lenses requires a modern day example: on September 8th, 1974, President Gerald Ford gave the recently departed President Nixon a full and unconditional pardon for any crimes he may have committed in office. This, in turn, ended the investigation and impeachment proceedings that had been started by Congress. It is as if nothing had happened. Nevertheless, it did not mean that former President Nixon could not curtail any law: it meant that he was no longer culpable of the ones that he had committed. It’s the same process that GOD did for us, giving His Son so that whoever believes in Him may live a life free of condemnation, no longer under the law but now abiding by it. 

In conclusion, the everlasting theological debate over if the followers of Christ live by either faith or by the law is answered. One must abide by and live justly by the law and pray to GOD to receive His grace for all of the times that the law was transgressed. Practice these laws so that it becomes inscribed in your hearts - do not let your enemies lead you astray, making you believe that the law is no longer important and that what it tells us is no longer important. GOD’s word is always important and it applies to the lives of all of His creations so that all can see His glory and love. 



Prosperity Theology


False Doctrines