
VVCM is a non-profit, but spiritual organization: we work hard in prayer for tithing, offerings and donations so that the City of Wonders is built. All financial contributions made and reported are tax deductible and the audit is performed by an independent professional agency each year. All collection is deposited at the bank, the account of Viens and Vois the City of Wonders and a writing is passed in the general newspaper. The accounting audit is performed by an independent professional agency. Each year, the VVCM Church sends all its accounting documents to this independent professional agency in Toronto for:

We thank you for your act of faith and the financial support you give us to fulfill our mission of "building the city of wonders" to the glory of the Lord in this life here on earth, in our heart above all, in the family, in the community of this city and to the ends of the earth according to his grace.

If you want to make an offering by direct transfer, send it to the following email: