
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:18-19)


To follow Christ in today’s modern world is a double-edged sword. While it seems to be easier than ever to stay connected through mediums such as the internet and get information, it’s also noteworthy to add that temptation and sin are everywhere. There is nothing perfect about it. If you aren’t a teen or young adult, imagine that from their perspective; it’s a slightly harder life than you’d expect it to be.

Here at Thinking Twice, we will give you life as testimony and shed light upon topics that may scare, bother or worry. Some of you who will read this are young adults or teens; baptized or not even close to the idea. Others may find themselves in situations that they aren’t proud of or done things that go around those same lines. It’s okay. This is a safe space where we will share ideas and thoughts. 

Welcome to Thinking Twice.


Some weeks, we will tackle ideas, concepts and stories that will hopefully help you all have a better understanding of yourself if you are as a teen / young adult who follows Yeshua, someone who is looking to convert or a parent attempting to understand their child on their journey. We’ll do our best to keep it as down-to-earth as possible so that everyone can find something that will resonate to them through stories and real-life examples.

All in all, this is meant to make you think twice about the lives that we are living today. Yes, we included everyone on the team, as we will have to do research on questions and topics that may be brought to us or that are inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

Come join us every other Wednesday for brand new articles and to share in the love of Yahweh’s word, don’t be afraid to like, comment and share our articles!

With that, we leave you all for this week in hope that Yahweh shines his light on you and your loved ones. May He protect you and show you His love. 

Sincerely yours,

The entire Thinking Twice Team

Thank you for reading Thinking Twice! May our Lord Yeshua bless you! Feel free to like the article, share it on social networks and send it to your friends and family so they can also receive this blessing.




New Beginnings